Yesterday I ventured down to York Street, and dropped off the rovings and merino to Trish. While there Barb showed us how to use the knitting machine. Wow. I am so impressed. Here I was trying desperately to make up sample bags to showcaes my yarns slogging away for hours and hours and hours(I knit very slowley)to make little hand bags that I felt anyway, when lo and behold, you can knit the damned things in ten minutes. I love technology. I gotta get me a knitting machine. Well maybe I'll just use Barb or Trish's, since really i don't knit all that much, I am first and foremost a weaver, and currently a dyer. Besides where would i put a knitting machine in my house, perhaps on top of thepottery wheel in my kitchen?
But seriously, I have been getting more and more organised and have I believe got this dye at night thing well underway. I have a bunch of rovings to do tonight, and am home with a sick kid today so there is a pot of Briggs and Little simmering on the stove, just got off phone from Trish and she sold a bunch of Merino last night!! yay!
It is sure a whole lot easier to believe that we are doing the right thing when people have started buying. I am having fun doing it but fun only takes ya so far. I hope to get some bags made possibly this weekend while the kiddies are away. And then there will be stock to sell yay! We will se just how that goes. I have to attend a wedding dance on Friday evening so who knows how the rest of the weekend will go. Me and two girlfriends that grew up on the same street, always a fun combination!
Add to that a bunch of relatives from the Miramichi and it can only be a good party. Well cheers all I must now run off to check my bags that are felting and the yarn that is a simmering.
Marking Time
5 years ago
1 comment:
oops. It was from Barb's stash. forgot in the chaos of the rest of the day
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